"Shadabad Exchange" is mini table you can put in your web site, and you can also join in it. It shows you random anime and manga sites (that joined the button exchange). If you have your web site, you can let your 88 x 31 (pixels) button be shown with the other sites randomly. Please remember! the buttons will be shown randomly so I can't control any site, and it will refresh every 30 seconds.
No sites that contains or webmasters that like any adult material, Hacking/Hack, Viruses files, anything related to Jew and/or Hebrew (no Jew/Hebrew webmasters please), or even adult buttons.
Site must be related to one of the following: Anime, Manga, Gaming, RPG, Graphics, blog(s), Webmasters (scripts, hosting etc.), TV Shows (Un Adult ones), Cristina D'Avena, Harry Potter/Daniel Radcliffe, Tiziano Ferro, Fanlisting, Cliques and/or Jpop (containing Jrock etc.).
Your button should be 88 x 31 pixels. Not bigger or smaller!
Where it asks you in the joining form: "Visits per day" put "bimbo". Take a note that if you haven't done this, don't even think to request to be in the button exchange after we cancel you request ! sorry! =) rules are the rules
Button should not be bigger than 20 KB.
The button exchange code should be in place that all your visitors will see it, not in the splash page!
I don't care the site is written in which language that much, I just do not want any Hebrew or Jew web sites.
That's all!
If you follow the rules below, fill the following form:
Put this code somewhere that your visitors will see it, not in the splash ok? ^__^ (this is an inline frame by the way)
It will look like the following:
:: Current Members
You can also join: