Pokemon Advanced Generation (anime):

Japanese Openings/Endings clips:

Right click and select "Save Target As" to download this clip. Opening
 (Song: "Advance Adventure")
 [4.71 MB]

Right click and select "Save Target As" to download this clip.
 (Song: "Sokoni Soraga Arukara")
 [4.34 MB]


Episode clips (from Episode 1)

Right click and select "Save Target As" to download this clip.

Satoshi calls Prof. Odamaki for help
 (Episode 1)
 [4.70 MB]

Right click and select "Save Target As" to download this clip.

Prof. Odamaki asks Haruka for help
 (Episode 1)
 [3.15 MB]

Right click and select "Save Target As" to download this clip.

Team Rocket accidentally cures Pikachu
 (Episode 1)
 [4.38 MB]

Right click and select "Save Target As" to download this clip.

Haruka chooses her first pokemon
 (Episode 1)
 [2.26 MB]

Thanks to AIA (Anime Intro Archive) for all these clips!

The GBA games

You can find them in this web site