Link to Catch Your Card And Go! CCSakura 

You like Catch your Card and Go! CCSakura web site??

You have a web site??

You can link to me!

here's the animations/banners to link to me with the time that the animation/banner take to display in your web site!

to Copy and Paste the HTML code, right click on the HTML code, click on Select all, and then click Copy ,or CTRL C (on your keyboard).


Gif animation HTML code Size
height=66 width=28
height=83 width=33
height=55 width=54
height=95 width=60
height=89 width=58
height=188 width=77
height=150 width=72



                           ADD BORDERS

If you want to add border to the animations/banners you should edit the HTML code:

1. in the HTML code of the animation/banner you will see border=0 .

2. type  border=1  ( or the size if the border you want) incase border=0 .